About me

Welcome, one and all! If you are looking for a game composer, you’ve come to the right place. Hailing from Thinkspace Education’s Composing for Video Games MA program, I am a jazz aficionado, lifelong gamer, and consummate nerd. Here, there will be no laborious lists of the jazz and rock bands I’ve played in, piano recitals of days past, choirs conducted, JRPGs completed, or motorcycles fallen off. And especially not in 3rd person. No, better to use this space to express my enthusiasm for writing for narrative-driven games.

Possessing near infinite curiosity for uniqueness and variety, I deeply enjoy the challenge of creating non-linear world-situated music. I’ve spent as much time traveling the real world as virtual worlds, and I greatly appreciate the cohesion of landscapes, cultures, behaviors, and of course the music. There is nothing more thrilling than unlocking the musical voice of a new universe. The development process is fresh with each game and consequently, so is the music. As Miles Davis once said, “You can’t say ‘I love you’ twice.”

Each game has a story to tell; and each affords the player the power to affect it. I want the music I write to follow the player through their journey and their choices as a companion and storyteller.